Straight Dope Political Compass

This graph is based upon the results of the 115 Straight Dope Message Board members who took this test Political Compass

Here are the individual statistics:

Aeschines 			-7.75	-3.95
Airman Doors, USAF 		0.50	0.87
Aldebaran 			-4.25	-5.95
amarinth 			-5.00	-5.33
antenichus 			-6.00	-6.00
Arwin 				-2.13	-4.56
askeptic			-5.00	-5.33
asterion 			1.62	-2.51
Bmalion 			0.25	0.92
Bricker 			6.50	1.33
Brutus 				8.12	8.08
buns3000 			-6.62	-5.95
BwanaBob 			-4.25	0.62
Captain Amazing 		-1.75	-0.87
carteba 			-1.50	-3.74
cckerberos 			7.75	-2.00
Cheese Monster 			8.20	-3.10
cichlidiot 			-1.88	-4.82
continuity eror 		-7.00	-5.00
Contrapuntal			-4.75	-4.62
cowgirl				-6.50	-7.74
Crab Rangoon			-8.13	-4.31
Crotalus			3.75	-3.38
CurtC 				5.25	-4.10
dal tigmar 			-5.00	-3.38
DoctorJ 			-8.00	-5.49
Dr Love 			3.38	-7.13
dropzone 			-5.25	-5.59
E72521 				-1.88	-4.92
erislover 			-4.62	-4.51
eulalia 			-1.75	-4.72
Eureka 				-5.38	-0.15
Faldage 			-3.75	-3.33
fruitbat 			5.62	-5.08
Gartog 				-4.00	-4.00
Gest 				-7.38	-7.79
Gfactor				-6.75	-6.41
II Gyan II			-5.25	-4.82
hawthorne 			-3.75	-4.97
hildea 				-6.62	-6.97
honeydewgrrl 			5.62	-6.92
Hunter Hawk			-4.13	-5.79
Hyperelastic 			-7.62	-2.31
Israfel 			5.62	0.46
JackMannii 			-2.75	-2.31
John Mace 			6.88	-2.97
JohnBckWLD 			5.00	-2.50
Jon the Geek 			-3.25	-6.10
Jonathan Chance 		0.25	-5.08
JRDelirious 			-2.00	-3.28
jsgoddess 			4.25	-5.44
jshore 				-7.25	-6.05
Karmagun 			-1.88	-5.23
Kat  Kat			-5.13	-4.62
Landshark			-3.75	-5.28
lawboy 				0.20	0.45
Left Hand of Dorkness 		-6.50	-7.50
Lobsang				-4.75	-4.62
Machetero 			1.00	-1.54
Mangetout 			-4.75	-3.38
Marley23 			-4.50	-6.67
Master Wang-Ka 			-4.75	-3.38
Mehitabel 			0.88	-0.77
Mennocchio 			-4.88	-5.33
MGibson 			3.62	-2.05
MMI 				-3.40	-2.50
mr_moonlight 			5.00	-6.00
Mr2001 				-3.38	-5.54
MrFantsyPants 			-4.00	-5.00
MsRobyn 			-4.75	-5.28
New Iskander 			2.88	-0.05
Nic2004				-2.75	-3.69
notquitekarpov 			-2.75	-5.44
notquitekarpov 			3.00	5.00
Olentzero 			-8.25	-7.69
Paladud 			5.00	0.50
pervert 			6.88	-3.03
Priceguy			-8.50	-5.33
Psilocybe 			-5.50	-4.87
Qadgop the Mercotan		-1.00	-5.18
Ramanujan 			1.62	-4.92
rayh 				-6.13	-6.56
RedFury				-4.88	-6.46
Redwing 			-0.12	-4.46
Reeder 				-6.00	-6.36
RickJay 			0.75	-4.70
roger thornhill 		-0.50	-1.18
Rune 				7.50	-1.50
Sage Rat 			1.00	-1.00
Scruloose			-0.63	-3.69
SentientMeat 			-5.12	-7.28
Shodan 				5.00	0.77
Siege 				-0.88	-3.33
silenus				0.38	-3.23
skutir 				-5.50	-6.15
sleeping 			6.88	-6.67
sleestak 			7.25	-2.41
snermy 				-3.25	-5.13
Spectre of Pithecanthropus 	-4.62	-2.82
Splanky 			-7.00	-7.00
Stryfe 				-4.12	-2.62
surnyi 				-0.88	-3.08
Tabby Cat 			-2.00	-0.50
Tapioca Dextrin 		-1.38	-7.28
Taran 				-3.00	-1.00
the raindog 			-2.50	-0.26
The Sausage Creature		-4.88	-5.59
Thea Logica 			-5.50	-1.85
twhitt 				4.00	-3.44
VarlosZ 			-2.25	-6.51
xtisme 				4.50	-2.18
XWalrus2 			-5.62	-5.64
Wolf_Meister			-6.63	-5.38
yojimbo 			-8.25	-7.85
Zeriel 				-0.63	-4.10

Those not included in the graph due to disagreement with test results:

Debaser (3.62, 0.31) Not Accurate
furt (2.38, -1.53) “Bogus”
HeyHomie (3.0, .67)
iamme99 (-5.62, -3.90) Not Accurate
Libertarian (now Liberal) (-0.25, -1.74) Not Accurate
Martin Hyde (10.00, 3.49) (NB: Deliberately tried to attain +10 economically)
scule (-4.62, -5.28) “Takes issue: I’m no commie”
Snowboarder Bo (-5.88,-4.10) AND (-4.38,-4.21)



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