and Distance Ultra Calculator
The above 3 formulas are used for solving problems involving distance, velocity and time.
If you know 2 of the 3 variables the third can be calculated. As usual, here at, we have a calculator that will do all the work for you. This ultra calculator is special by allowing you to choose among a great variety of units (12 per category). Unlike other calculators, you are NOT confined to inputting distance in feet, time in minutes, etc. making this calculator quite versatile. Let's see some examples.
You can run the 100 yard dash in 12 seconds. What is your velocity in miles per hour? 2) A glacier moves at about 0.0009513 mm per second. How long does it take a glacier to move 1 mile?
3)You are watching the Indianapolis 500 Auto Race and a car has just taken
50 seconds to complete one "lap" of the track at 180 miles per hour. How long is the race track? Here's hoping this calculator helps you with those math problems.
Internet Explorer and most other browsers, will display the answers properly but there are a few browsers that will show no output whatsoever. If so, enter a zero in the box above. This eliminates all formatting but it is better than seeing no output at all.
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