Arc ÷ Chord Ratio
You are probably quite familiar with the formula for determining the circumference of a circle: If we wanted to determine the length of a portion of the circumference (what is known as an arc) then the formula is: If we drew a straight line from point A to point B (what is known as a chord) then the formula for the chord length is:
Now let's suppose that the radius of the circle equals 100, then we can calculate the lengths of the arc and the chord as: Dividing the arc length by the chord length gives us the arc to chord ratio, which in this case equals 1.1107207345. Whenever we have a circle whose central angle equals 90°, it will always subtend an arc and a chord whose ratio will always be 1.1107207345. For all other central angles, we have calculated this ratio for 1 through 180 degrees. If you just want a rough idea of what the arc to chord ratio is for a particular central angle is, then these tables are fine. However, if you need an exact answer, then use the calculator located here and choose the "Chord AB & Arc AB" menu option. |
Arc ÷ Chord Ratio Angle
Arc ÷ Chord Ratio Angle
Arc ÷ Chord Ratio Angle
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