For our next problem, let us calculate the probabilty of getting all 20 numbers after rolling a 20 sided die 67 times.
(Incidentally, a 20 sided die is called an icosahedron and they are used in many games and toys. For example, the "Magic 8-Ball™" contains an icosahedron with 20 different "answers" written on each of its 20 faces.)
which equals 1.48 × 1087
Then in steps 2, 3, 4 and 5, we will determine how many of those 2067 rolls, will contain all 20 numbers.
STEP 2 1967 = 4.75 × 1085 1867 = 1.27 × 1084 1767 = 2.75 × 1082 1667 = 4.74 × 1080 1567 = 6.28 × 1078 1467 = 6.17 × 1076 1367 = 4.31 × 1074 1267 = 2.02 × 1072 1167 = 5.93 × 1069 1067 = 1.00 × 1067 967 = 8.60 × 1063 867 = 3.21 × 1060 767 = 4.18 × 1056 667 = 1.37 × 1052 567 = 6.78 × 1046 467 = 2.18 × 1040 367 = 9.27 × 1031 267 = 1.48 × 1020 167 = 1
STEP 3 19 C 20 = 20 18 C 20 = 190 17 C 20 = 1,140 16 C 20 = 4,845 15 C 20 = 15,504 14 C 20 = 38,760 13 C 20 = 77,520 12 C 20 = 125,970 11 C 20 = 167,960 10 C 20 = 184,756 9 C 20 = 167,960 8 C 20 = 125,970 7 C 20 = 77,520 6 C 20 = 38,760 5 C 20 = 15,504 4 C 20 = 4,845 3 C 20 = 1,140 2 C 20 = 190 1 C 20 = 20 Basically, this is saying that 19 objects can be chosen from a set of 20 in 20 ways 18 objects can be chosen from a set of 20 in 190 ways .......................................................................................
2 objects can be chosen from a set of 20 in 190 ways
STEP 4 4.75E+085 × 20 = 9.50 × 1086 1.27E+084 × 190 = 2.41 × 1086 2.75E+082 × 1,140 = 3.14 × 1085 4.74E+080 × 4,845 = 2.30 × 1084 6.28E+078 × 15,504 = 9.74 × 1082 6.17E+076 × 38,760 = 2.39 × 1081 4.31E+074 × 77,520 = 3.34 × 1079 2.02E+072 × 125,970 = 2.54 × 1077 5.93E+069 × 167,960 = 9.97 × 1074 1.00E+067 × 184,756 = 1.85 × 1072 8.60E+063 × 167,960 = 1.44 × 1069 3.21E+060 × 125,970 = 4.05 × 1065 4.18E+056 × 77,520 = 3.24 × 1061 1.37E+052 × 38,760 = 5.30 × 1056 6.78E+046 × 15,504 = 1.05 × 1051 2.18E+040 × 4,845 = 1.06 × 1044 9.27E+031 × 1,140 = 1.06 × 1035 1.48E+020 × 190 = 2.80 × 1022 1 × 20 = 20
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