Quartic Equation Calculator
To see the method of solving Quartic Equations, click here
EXAMPLE: The quartic equation: 3X4 + 6X3 - 123X2 - 126X + 1,080 = 0 would be input: A= 3 B= 6 C= -123 D= -126 E= 1080 Click E N T E R and your answers should be 5 3 -4 and -6
2) Make sure that you have entered a number in ALL boxes (A, B, C, D and E). 3) If you are entering an equation with a 'missing' term (for example, no X3 term, then enter it as zero. (Do NOT leave the field blank). 4) If an equation has a term with no coefficient, enter it as 1 (and not 0 or blank). For example, the equation X4 + 6 X3 + 10 X2 + X = 0 would be entered as:
NOTE: This calculator has been rigorously debugged. However, if you think it may have calculated an incorrect answer, please send us an E-Mail. And remember - you should always check your answers. Thank you.
If you want to use the "long hand" method for solving quartics, you may
find the information in the boxes below very helpful to check your
work as you go along. |
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