If you want to do calculations
for a horizontal cylinder, then go to this link:
Horizontal Cylinder Calculator
Example: Inputting tank height = 12, liquid level = 3 and tank diameter = 6, then clicking "Inches" will display the total tank volume in cubic inches and US Gallons and will also show the volume at the 3 inch level.
If the tank is filled with water, this calculator also displays the weight of water at the liquid level and at full volume.
In addition, a dipstick chart is automatically generated.
The default dipstick chart is in increments of one but you can change that by clicking on one of the increment buttons.
An alternative to this would be inputting a different set of units.
For example, if you are inputting information for a tank that has a height of 1.25 feet, you will end up with a default dipstick chart that has two lines - zero feet and one foot because the default dipstick chart increments are based on the height value.
Instead, if you input all 3 dimensions in inches (height = 15 inches, etc) then clicking the "inches" button will produce a default chart with 15 lines.
Also, you have the option of clicking on the "printer friendly" button which opens another window and allows you to print all of the dipstick chart information without printing the entire website.