Instead, these terms of use are for that small percentage of our visitors
who think anything posted to the Internet is free for the taking, without
giving credit and free to use on their websites, on message boards, etc.
By using this website, you agree to the following terms and conditions.
Permitted Uses:
»All pages at are free for your non-commercial,
personal use. By "free" we mean that there is no charge for your visiting
any webpage but this does NOT mean free to copy software, graphics,
text, etc. WITHOUT getting prior permission from 1728 Software
»Links from your website to pages are allowed,
provided that the links are only to 'htm' or 'html' files.
»Some websites only allow links to their main index page. We permit
links on your website to any page located at
»Although we do not require your notifying us of your intent to link to us
we would appreciate prior notification.
»If you wish to put any information, graphics, text, calculators, etc from
onto your website (or any message board):
»Your right to link to will be revoked if your site is deemed
inappropriate ("hate" websites, illegal activity, etc). The
final decision rests with 1728 Software Systems.
Prohibited Uses:
»Unauthorized copying of any webpage, calculator, tutorial, graphic, etc for
use on another website, message board, etc without receiving prior
permission from 1728 Software Systems.
Well, things do NOT work that way.
we MUST have prior notification
you MUST state it is the work of 1728 Software Systems and
you MUST put a link on your site back to our homepage.
»Linking only to an object at this website (examples -
graphics files, sound files, etc). Besides violating copyright laws, this is
bandwidth theft.