Geometry Calculators

Angles, Circles, Ellipses, Slope

Angle Conversion   Calculator for converting seconds, minutes, degrees, mils, grads, radians and revs.

Angles In Circles   How to calculate central angles, inscribed angles and angles formed by radii, chords, tangents and secants.
This also explains how to calculate angles that are located outside of a circle formed by 2 tangents, 2 secants or a tangent and a secant.

Central Angle Calculator   Calculates a Circle's Central Angle, Radius or Arc Length

Circle Circumference & Area Calculator

CIRCLE Calculator   for Radius, Central Angle, Chord, Segment Height, Apothem, Arc Length and Chord Length.     If you know two, this calculates the other five as well as the Sector Area, Segment Area and Circle Area.

ARC to CHORD RATIOS   a listing from 1° to 180°

Circle Equation Tutorial
Explains equations of the type x² + y² = r²

Circle Equation Calculator
Input 3 points and it calculates a circle's center, radius and equation.

  Tutorial:   Determining a circle's equation
Knowing the circle's center and radius OR
Knowing 3 points.

Ellipses   Calculator and tutorial

Exterior Angle Theorem  

Slope and Grade Calculator
Geometry in the real world. Explains and calculates how to determine a road grade, the pitch of a roof, etc.

Triangle Calculators

Types of Triangles   A chart showing triangles classified by angles (acute, right, obtuse) and by sides (equilateral, isosceles, scalene).
Also has triangle area formulas and a triangle area calculator.

Triangle Centers   A tutorial discussing the incenter, circumcenter, centroid, orthocenter and the Euler line.

Triangle Tester   Calculates if 3 sides will form a triangle or not.

Triangle Tester   Input 3 triangle side lengths and this calculates if the sides will form an equilateral, isosceles, acute, right or obtuse triangle.

Ultimate Triangle Calculator   Input 3 triangle sides, 2 sides with the included angle or 2 angles with the included side and this calculates all the other triangle information.

Triangle Height Calculator   Input 3 triangle sides and this calculates all 3 heights all 3 angles and the area.

Tutorial:   How to Calculate 3 triangle heights and all 3 angles knowing just 3 sides. This also explains the Law of Cosines and Heron's Triangle Area Formula.

Side Side Angle Triangle Calculator   If you know 2 triangle sides and a non-included angle, this calculates the other side and the other 2 angles.

Right Triangles (Pythagorean Theorem)

30 60 90 and 45 45 90 Triangle Calculator


Reuleaux Triangles

A Quick History of Pi

Quadrilateral Calculators

Quadrilateral page   Descriptions and graphics discussing 6 different types of quadrilaterals.

Calculator for Squares and Rectangles

Rhombus Calculator   Input side length and either angle and it calculates the area, both diagonals, altitude, perimeter.
  Input both diagonals and it calculates the side, area, altitude, perimeter and both angles.

Calculator for Parallelograms   Input two parallelogram sides and one angle and it calculates the area, both diagonals, altitude, perimeter and the angle of intersection of the diagonals.
  Input both diagonals and diagonal intersection angle and it calculates area, both sides, altitude, height, perimeter and both angles.
  Has parallelogram formulas, equations, Heron's formula, etc.

Quadrilateral Kite Calculator

Trapezoid Calculator

Calculating Trapezoid Area - Tutorial

Polygon Calculators

Regular Polygon Calculator   Input the number of sides and the side length and it calculates the polygon perimeter, all angles (interior, central and exterior), the inradius, the circumradius and the total area.

Calculator for Constructing Regular Polygons
Draw a circle, measure the radius and this calculates the length of the polygon's sides.

Polygons that have integer angles.
A listing of the 22 Regular Polygons whose angles are integers.

Solid Geometry Calculators

Area and Volume Calculator for a Sphere or Cylinder

Spherical Tank Calculator  Calculates tank volume whether it is 0 to 100% full.

Spherical Cap

Cube Area and Volume

Triangular Prism Calculator - Input the 3 triangle sides, the height and it calculates the total area and volume.

Rectangular Solid (Rectangular Prism) - Calculates Area and Volume

Rectangular Tank   with Dipstick Calculator

Horizontal Cylindrical Tank   with Dipstick Calculator

Vertical Cylindrical Tank   with Dipstick Calculator

Torus Calculator - Calculates Volume and Area

The 5 Platonic Solids (Regular Polyhedra) Calculator - Information about the Tetrahedron, Hexahedron (Cube), Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron and calculator.   Also explains Euler's Polyhedron Formula:   (V -E +F = 2)

Cones & Frustums

Right Regular Prisms

Right Regular Pyramids

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